Our Services
ordering in singapore
Delivery is free with a minimum order of S$250.00 otherwise S$15.00 will be imposed. Order for delivery the next working day must be received before 2.00pm. Last-minute orders requiring delivery, a $50.00 surcharge will be imposed. Self-collection is available. For the Price List/Order Details Kindly Enquire with us.

Packages and events
Corporate & On-Trade Clients
Attractive and affordable price for bulk purchase.
Sourcing For Fine Wines
We are able to assist you in sourcing your favorite bottle of wine with a particular vintage and label.
Sell Us Your Wine Or Liquor
We offer cash payment or on consignment terms for a particular brand. For a free quotation, simply enquire with us!
Customized Gift Pack & Hamper
We are able to customize your gift and advise you on the most appropriate wine-related gifts. Personalize gift packs at any quantity. We also do personalize a label for companies door gifts ranging from minimum from 60 bottles onwards.
Wine Appreciation Workshop
We conduct wine appreciation courses for all levels of drinkers. Basic to Advance. Differences between New World & Old World Wine, etiquettes of drinking and many more.
Wedding / Event Wines
We offer professional advice on quantities, food pairing, etc. Rental of glasses for outdoor events or solemnization. Wine range from $18.00 onwards. Free wine tasting upon confirming the sales! Free delivery to direct to your dedicated venue. 50% consignment basis (You can return your un-open wine to us!) Make your appointment with us now!
Networking / Function / Events
Wine is said to bring people together. At our Bistro, we have held countless events! With the most competitive market cost, we will make sure you have a great time.
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